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Sugar Gum Farm

 A Peaceable Kingdom 


Brucellosis #3747

Livestock Production Assurance #1200192


At Sugar Gum Farm Miniature Sheep Australia

we LOVE our sheep! We currently breed two different breeds of sheep on our property...... Babydolls, and the very rare, beautifully long woolled, Australian breed, the Elliottdale.


We are located in Elaine, a small town near Ballarat in Victoria, Australia.


Why Miniature Sheep?

In these days of growing everything bigger, we love the compact size of our Babydolls.

•Miniature sheep are easy to handle for any age group.

•They require less property to graze, so are suitable for small acreage.

•Miniature sheep are easier for husbandry duties: foot trimming, shearing, drenching are all easier with smaller sheep.

•They are less intimidating than the larger breeds of sheep.

•And most importantly....Miniature sheep are just plain CUTE!

We also love our Rare Breed sheep. We currently breed one very rare sheep........Australia's own carpet wool sheep, the Elliottdale.


Why Rare Breeds?

•They represent an important genetic resource

•They possess special traits that many of the modern breeds lack, ie: longevity, disease resistance, climate adaptability and good mothering skills

•Genetic diversity is essential to healthy and sustainable food and wool production

•Once they are gone, they are gone forever.


•Australia's own carpet wool sheep .......attractive.........strong.......calm.......self-cleaning......intelligent.......suited to cold climates......strong wool......polled....


•Super cute.....teddy bear sheep....friendly....gentle.....docile.... easy to handle....respectful of fencing.... naturally polled...excellent lawnmowers in orchards & vineyards

Sugar Gum Farm

ASSBA Flock No: #2424

Brucellosis Accreditation No: #3747

Livestock Production Assurance No: #1200192

Ph: Sue: 0407048864          Geoff: 0409182841

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