Geoff and I have been involved with animals for many years, Geoff with sheep, alpacas and llamas and I have had horses, sheep, alpacas and llamas.
We have had llamas for over twenty years and still have a small, retired herd here, some of whom are now over age twenty. We were both Committee Members of the Llama Association of Australia, for a number of years. I served as Secretary and Geoff as Treasurer.
We attended many conferences and seminars to learn as much as we could about our alpacas and llamas and fortunately much of the information we learned has been able to be transferred to our sheep.
The Neonatology Courses are particularly relevant as the principles of birthing with ruminant livestock are in some ways, quite similar. I have also completed a Course in Sheep Nutrition.

As much as we love our llamas, we decided the time was right to downsize a little and as soon as we met our first Miniature Sheep, the decision was made.
We added some Olde English Babydolls to the flock. Well, who wouldn't be smitten with their cute faces? Their docile, friendly natures are just an added bonus.
The second breed we added is an extremely rare one, Australia's own carpet wool sheep, the Elliottdale, and what beauties they are. And so, our animal adventure continues with our woolly, little friends, and we hope you will join us on our journey............