Apple Cider Vinegar
A couple of years ago, we had more than a few issues with Dystocias (difficult lambings) with one of the main issues being lambs presented with one or both legs back. Now it is possible to deliver a lamb with one leg back, but impossible if both legs are back, without repositioning the lamb. I have been doing a bit of research on this, as I know from calls and texts, we are not the only ones to have had this problem. Information from Pat Coleby, the doyenne of Natural sheep care, suggests the problem is a lack of the mineral, potassium. This is sometimes due to drought and changed weather conditions but more often related to degradation of the soil due to the fertilisers that have been used, without re-mineralising.
A potassium deficiency causes constriction of the blood vessels in the areas of the body where they are generally fine - usually the extremities. Dystocias seem to be caused by a lack of blood supply to the foetus, uterus and cervix in the final stages of pregnancy. In a normal, healthy pregnancy, the foetus moves constantly, until the time it is presented in the birth canal in the correct position and the birth takes place naturally, without assistance. When potassium is lacking, the foetus is locked in position and can be virtually immoveable. Extracting can be hard on both ewe and lamb and speaking from experience, can be daunting enough, for a maiden ewe to reject her lamb.
The solution may be simpler than we expected:

Apple Cider Vinegar.
Apple Cider Vinegar can be mixed with feed or sprayed or poured onto hay for the last four weeks prior to lambing. According to Pat Coleby, it does not take much, around 5ml per head per week. It can also be placed into the water, if troughs are used, with the added benefit of keeping away mosquito larvae and algae. The Apple Cider Vinegar used should be raw or unpasteurized.
Added Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Regulates pH and prevents leaching of minerals
Helps with absorption of nutrients thus preventing deficiencies that cause fatal diseases such as ovine Johne's disease
Improves the quality and yield of wool.
Reduces the incidence of urinary calculi and kidney stones.
Flushes toxins
It has powerful healing, cleansing, and natural antibiotic and antiseptic qualities.
It has both internal and external benefits for Itch, Bot Flies, Fleas, Ticks, Skin Conditions, Arthritis, Mastitis, Cystitis and endless ailments.
The example pictured can be diluted 50/50 with water as a drench and is available from some Feed Stores.
We tried this last year, and found our lambing was much easier, so it will now be part of our lambing procedure.